Altered, Image #23
For more about the Altered Series go here: Altered
A New Painting
Altered, Image #22
Altered, Image #21

Pastel, chalk, charcoal on UART paper
19th century dagger. Another possible weapon used by Jack the Ripper.
Altered, Image #20
Another from the Altered Series
An acrid, depraved night on what will be a truly raw Autumn...
Altered, Image #19
Altered, Image #18

Pastel pencil, charcoal, chalk on UART paper
There is a lot of speculation as to what sort weapon or weapons Jack the Ripper may have used, one of these is the kukri or kukris. A lot of British soilders had kukris while they served in India in the 1800's. Many of these kukri found there way into the British market for anyone to purchase. The blade of a kuri is very strong and has a distinctive blade shape.
Altered, Image #17

Map of George Yard and surrounding streets, Whitechapel.
Murder site of Martha Tabram August 7, 1888.
For more information about the Altered Series go here:
Altered, Image #16
Workshop Pictures of Pictures
I created this image as a demo for a workshop I taught on Nov.2, 2009.
For more information about Art Workshops go here: Art Workshops
Workshop Pictures of Pictures
I created this image as a demo for a workshop I taught on Oct. 26, 2009.
For more information about Art Workshops go here: Art Workshops

A pastel workshop with Cameron Hampton PSA
For more information go here:
Pastel Workshop
New Exhibitions

November 16 - December 31, 2009
A few painting's in the process of being hung at The Hampton Fine Art Gallery
New Pastel Painting
Pastel on UART paper
More of my "Working Class American's
Altered, Image #13
Alleyway, Wood's Buildings,
Jack the Ripper used after murdering Mary Ann (Polly) Nichols.
New Pastel Painting
'Works For A Living'
Pastel on Wallis paper
More of my "Working Class American's
I'm trying to capture the loneliness
(I know, I grew up that way).
Wild Boar
'Wild Boar'
Plaster, carpenter's fabric, denim, grass, wax, bees wax, charcoal, paper, pastel, Georgia red clay
Life size
Art At The Georgia National Fair Exhibition,
Wildlife Division
Work In Progress II
Plaster, carpenter'
This is the sanding phase where I carve all of the features and then sand them down.
This sculpture has been accepted into the
Art At The Georgia National Fair Exhibition
Altered Image #11
Charcoal, chalk on UART paper
Annie Chapman was found murdered in the backyard of 29 Hanbury Street, Whitechapel,
(although her son John was crippled and had been sent to a home for crippled children
and one of daughters had died of meningitis
Altered, Image # 12
Pastel, charcoal, chalk on Art Spectrum paper
The passageway
This is where Annie Chapman went with her killer to do business.
Instead he killed her and left her at the bottom of the staircase outside in the yard.
For more information about ALTERED go HERE.05/09/2009
Opening Reception Pix
Award Winners List here: http://artistcameronhampton.com/localsshow2009awards.html
Altered, Image #10
Mary Jane Kelly's Hand
Charcoal, chalk on UART paper
Another image from my ongoing series "Altered".
I drew this because a few of Jack the Ripper's
victim's were found with their left hand draped over their bodies
(depending on how many victim's you think there are.)
It may be a coincidence that they were left that way
or it maybe a consequence of his m.o.
To learn more about "Altered" go here: ALTERED
Art Exhibitions I'm Participating In
Also, I've been accepted into the 2nd Annual National Juried Appalachia
I've also had three works accepted into the Georgia National Fair in Perry, GA.
And lastly, I' m in the "Doggy Doodles" Show in Madison, GA.
Preview Altered

This is a series of illustrations that I am creating, working name “Altered”. It is based on the Jack the Ripper murders in Whitechapel. I’ve been fascinated with the murders in London attributed to Jack the Ripper since I was a kid. I do not wish to degrade or ill-use the ladies who were murdered; I think they have been exploited enough. My aim is to describe the living condition’s of the East Enders in London in that particular era, to understand the desperation of the people and the ladies who were to become victimized by Jack the Ripper and subsequently by gawkers, hawkers and entrepreneurs. And mostly, like all of us Ripperologist (people who study the crimes of Jack the Ripper), to ask the question by means of creating my images, what sort of person would do such a thing? “Profiling is nothing more than an opinion of the individual preparing the profile; It’s not a science, it’s an Art.”, FBI Profiler Roy Hazelwood, Jack the Ripper documentary.
Altered, Image #9
Altered, Image #8

Chamber Street going towards Swallow Gardens under the railroad arch. Frances Coles' last moments.
Pastel, charcoal, chalk on primed mat board with digital collage.
My paintings included in another Art Book, "Meditations on the Modern Nude"

"Meditations on the Modern Nude".
For a review and to purchase a copy go here: